27 de julho de 2004

Emotional Journalism

I am nothing. I am nobody. I am not special. I have the ability to find and to recognize all the special persons that exist. I have the capability to know meta-rationally what being special is. My life crosses the lifes of all the special persons but my life will not ever go along the life of any special person.

The problem is that this is not a poem. This is an objective narrative of facts. I couldn’t write a poem about this and that would also be impossible because truly sad and hopeless life can´t be turned by no means into poetry. True feelings never turn into poems. This is emotional journalism.

I see a special individual, I recognize him or her and I become overwhelmed by his/her brilliance. But I cannot produce any light, I cannot be as special as that person and my life will pass away from his/hers.

Ridiculously, (i would like to be special) and to belong to a special person.

p.s.: Don´t recommend me Radiohead songs. All those facts are too true and too important to be dealt with music or with art. And Radiohead are not special.

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