29 de outubro de 2005

This is beautiful

ontem, andava eu a deambular de site em site, quando fui parar ao thisisbeautiful
confesso que fiquei deslumbrada não só com as fotos como com o conceito,
a beleza inata de todas as mulheres não obstante o tamanho, a idade e a raça.

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"I want people to look at these photographs and accept who we really are, feel comfortable with these women and their bodies and respect them. I want people to respect life. We are your sisters, wives, daughters, girlfriends, mothers, and aunts. We all have dealt with the horror of feeling not good enough. I was bulimic once, and that ended around 20. But what this project has really taught me is that my body is mine and nobody else's. If it's a little bigger or a little smaller than other bodies, that doesn't matter. It's still mine."

Amanda Koster

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