31 de janeiro de 2005

Assertividade Americana

We Europeans are always complaining and moaning... Americans don't moan: they recognize problems and immediately ask: "and what are you gonna do about that"? Express your complaints to an American: "and what are you gonna do about that?" will be the answer.

Americans demand quality. "This is not good enough. Give me other or give my money back." "You don't do as I want I buy it somewhere else. You give me what I want, I give you money." "I really appreciated your service. Here's a tip".

It is absolutely incredible how a Portuguese customer in a Portuguese shop run buy a Portuguese seller can be reprimended just because he wants to change an already bought item for another.

It is absolutely incredible, absolutely amazing how easy it is that a Portuguese seller answers a customer back "then go to somewhere else!".

What am I gonna do about this?

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